Top 5 Things About Me!
1. I love being a Mom of a Large Family!
2. My Favorite Color is Green!
3. I love to Organize, make list and Plan.
4. My Husband has named me his Project Princess (but I went with NUT, I just don't see myself as a Princess type.)
5. My DD Paige calls me Super Duper MOM (which I love)-
Because, her Brownie Troop had an overnight trip at the Omaha Zoo.
I must of packed everything she needed in my Backpack, because she started telling her
friends I had a magic backpack. I seemed to have packed fun things the other Mom's forgot
(I even had a travel first-aid kit) LOL (and yes we used it)
I felt I had over done it at first, till later that day and then I was starting to feel like Super Women (MOM)...